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Need To Impeach - Presidential Mental Health

Challenge, Solution and Results: Need to Impeach

Challenge: Despite 15 months of efforts by advocacy groups, both Congress and the national media largely avoided the question of Donald Trump’s mental fitness for office. The country’s biggest political donor tasked us with changing that.

Topics: Community Acceptance

Ceres: Engaging state policymakers with an integrated advocacy campaign

Topics: Community Acceptance

Micro-Targeting Policymakers with Digital Video Ads

Challenge, Solution and Results: A Renewable America Video Ads


During the past few years, an unfavorable political environment and attacks by entrenched interests were eroding support for various clean energy sources. Building on the progress of A Renewable America's field and traditional PR efforts to counter this trend, we needed a creative and impactful way to continue pushing clean energy out of the culture wars. 


Using the latest digital targeting/profiling technology, we developed an online advertising campaign that saturated select policy makers and their networks (advisors, family members, local media, local businesses, local regulators and other policy makers) in eight states. The videos featured compelling testimonials and stories from renewable energy/supply chain business voices on the idea that clean energy companies are not just local job creators, but are popular parts of the mainstream business community – providing clean, affordable and reliable electricity.   


    • Produced 18 30-second videos across 8 states 

    • Received 842,252 video views (128% of original goal!) online

    • Achieved a very high view-through rate (72% with Facebook ads and 75% without) compared to similar campaigns, demonstrating a high interest in the messaging among our targets

Clean, Renewable Electricity is Growing Across America














Topics: Community Acceptance

Getting Policymakers’ Attention

Challenge, Solution and Results: Joby Energy Reaching Policymakers

Challenge: Joby Energy was in the process of developing a visionary, high-altitude wind generation technology. The company was at a critical stage in its development. Founder and CEO JoeBen Bevirt sought government support for his cutting-edge technology, which requires restricted airspace within which to operate.

Joby Energy chose Tigercomm to help it educate federal legislators and regulatory agency officials about the game-changing energy potential of high-altitude wind.

JoeBen Bevirt Interviewed at the ARPA-E Summit

Tigercomm responded by:

  • Mapping the universe of government officials critical to the company’s success. Selecting and coordinating the work of a specialist government regulations firm to further Joby Energy’s business objectives

  • Developing the communications and legislative plan to engage those policy makers

  • Securing and staffing three briefing tours for JoeBen with decision makers at influential national media outlets, trade publications and research institutions – such as the Electric Power Research Institute

  • Preparing JoeBen for a presentation before the U.S. House Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Caucus, including review of a slide deck and handouts to ensure message consistency

  • Reviewing and developing web content, while providing support and counsel in expanding the company’s online presence


JoeBen was interviewed by CleanSkiesTV, and Joby Energy's technology was mentioned in an E&E News' ClimateWire story on the airborne wind industry, among other relevant trade publications. We also arranged face-to-face meetings with leading national energy outlets including Platts and The Energy Daily to build awareness of the company and its technology.

"Tigercomm understands how to harness a company's assets to help it scale. They took the time to deeply understand my business, then crafted a message and a smart strategy focusing our communications on the audiences critical to our success."- JoeBen Bevirt, Joby Energy Founder and CEO




Topics: Community Acceptance

Landmark Federal Policy

Challenge, Solution and Results: Solar Energy Industries Association Solar Tax Credit Win

Challenge: In 2008, partisan gridlock in Congress had the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) facing an uphill climb in its effort to win a long-term extension of the solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) – considered the most significant solar federal policy ever enacted.

Topics: Community Acceptance