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Success Story | Marketing Communications

Apex Clean Energy
Generating Leads and Awareness for a Rising Star in Renewable Energy Development


Within 6 months, Tigercomm worked with Apex’s new VP of Communications to completely overhaul the company’s corporate communications program. That included a new website built around the customer user experience using five detailed customer personas. We used a customized blend of content marketing and traditional PR to get the market’s attention. The highlight was the groundbreaking analyses released at GreenBiz’s Verge Conference, the premier convening for corporate sustainability professionals.


As an independent renewable energy developer with national ambitions, Apex Clean Energy needed to break out of the ranks of larger developers and into the emerging market of corporate buyers of renewable energy (DCPs). The sales team needed to get around RFPs by attracting inbound interest from DCPs to talk directly with Apex.


  • Built CEO’s LinkedIn profile, surpassing all his counterparts at competing developers. With a following at the time of 3,200, Mark Goodwin averaged 15K impressions per post.
  • Apex’s pioneering accomplishment at Fort Hood was highlighted with self-generated and news media content, generating 15 articles with a total audience of 4.37 million readers.
  • VERGE appearance generated 11 original news media stories and over 50 inbound, qualified sales via Apex’s website.


“Tigercomm seamlessly integrated with our executive and communications teams, quickly building a robust digital platform that has generated both unprecedented lead flow and industry accolades. The ability of Tigercomm to balance authentic leadership substance with cutting edge content marketing practices resulted in meaningful connections with diverse yet precise audiences, and cemented our position as a clean energy thought leader.”
Steve Bowers Vice President, Marketing & Communications, Apex Clean Energy

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