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Marketing Communications

Turbocharge your sales through better marketing

Many clean economy companies offer B2B industrial goods and services to a limited pool of customers who don’t buy with a mouse click. However, too many still use the legacy marketing approach of expecting sales teams to provide early-stage customer education. Marketing research shows B2B customers start their “buyer’s journey” through online searches and content, before they engage sales team members.

B2B customers start their purchase decision through online search and content. We helped SaaS player Transect work with that reality to exceed commercial goals for a major trade show.

Tigercomm literally wrote the book on how B2B clean economy companies can boost their commercial traction with updated marketing communications (“marcom”) that works with – not against – the new normal in buyers’ information consumption habits.

Our industry-leading approach has helped dozens of clean economy companies use marcom to support better B2B sales – especially when lead times are long and price tags are high.

We encourage you to download and skim our book, “No Time For Legacy” (a 12-min. read) and let us know if you want to be the next cleantech company to turbocharge its commercial traction through better marcom.

PROCESS / Marketing Communications

Success Story | Rondo

Educating Industry Verticals on a Revolutionary Technology

Rondo Energy needed to accelerate and close sales for its breakthrough “heat batteries” that help heavy industries decarbonize and save money in the process. But the business media was heavily focused on green hydrogen as heavy industry’s solution, and Rondo’s revolutionary technology was so widely applicable that it had too many verticals to pursue at once. The company asked Tigercomm to help with market education to lower friction in the sales funnel.

Read the full story

Sample of Marcom Clients

Rondo hemlock EPE Transect LG Solar
“Tigercomm captured our value proposition, then helped us deliver it to a global market. With their help, we’re tracking to exceed our sales goals this year.”
John O'Donnell CEO, Rondo
“Tigercomm took the time to learn about our unique climate solution and helped us distill that message down for a niche segment of customers and press targets. Their persistence and creative approach delivered results for our thought leaders and our brand!”
Jimmy Rogers Marketing and Communications Manager, Redaptive

Interested in Learning More?

Whatever the engagement, we design our work to meet goals, overcome barriers and produce results.

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