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Marketing Communications


Rondo Energy needed to accelerate and close sales for its breakthrough “heat batteries” that help heavy industries decarbonize and save money in the process. But the business media was heavily focused on green hydrogen as heavy industry’s solution, and Rondo’s revolutionary technology was so widely applicable that it had too many verticals to pursue at once. The company asked Tigercomm to help with market education to lower friction in the sales funnel.

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Electric Power Engineers (EPE) is a leading engineering consultancy. The firm had created an AI-based software offering, and spun off the division that sold it, ENERi-AI, shortly before the major annual trade show RE+. The company wanted to accelerate its organic growth by boosting customer traffic at its trade show booth, but the spinoff had no brand presence. With weeks to go before the trade show, EPE CEO Hala Ballouz asked Tigercomm to help jump-start its customer outreach.

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Lithuania-based solar design software company PVcase was preparing to acquire another software company to expand its offering to the EU market. In the weeks before Intersolar Europe, the continent’s biggest solar trade show, PVcase needed to frame the benefit of the acquisition to customers while helping it cement an important round of funding…on its own terms.

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LG Solar

The start of the pandemic threatened the ability of solar installation companies to engage homeowners who wanted to generate their own clean electricity. Solar panel makers such as LG Solar found themselves reliant on a sales model – in-person, kitchen-table conversations – that was effectively impossible. The company faced a sales cliff it couldn’t afford.

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Soluna Computing builds data centers to perform “batchable” computing jobs that can be executed intermittently, enabling them to run off the excess energy from neighboring solar and wind farms. The company wanted to build inbound leads from both computing customers, such as bitcoin miners, and renewable energy developers. With distinct market segments, a highly technical value proposition, and a significantly different product, Soluna faced a challenging market education task.

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Transect’s young, charismatic CEO was out to disrupt the entire environmental engineering field by completely automating and expanding the traditionally lengthy process of evaluating a site for solar or wind viability. Her approach was so revolutionary, it required a significant market education job so developers could understand this faster, vastly less expensive alternative to legacy environmental engineering evaluations. Oh – and they needed that done within one month before the crucial RE+ trade show at which the CEO would be speaking.

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Apex Clean Energy

As an independent renewable energy developer with national ambitions, Apex Clean Energy needed to break out of the ranks of larger developers and into the emerging market of corporate buyers of renewable energy (DCPs). The sales team needed to get around RFPs by attracting inbound interest from DCPs to talk directly with Apex.

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Chris Brown was the high-octane president of Vestas’ largest market group, covering all of North America. Though wind energy faced headwinds created by aggressive attacks from Donald Trump and his Department of Energy, Chris wanted to boost sales with a public case that wind had become the most economic new energy choice for utilities and other large power customers.

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Utility-scale solar project developer Ausra grew as a company backed by two of the biggest names in venture capital: Khosla Ventures and Kleiner-Perkins. The investors wanted to get the company acquired. Tigercomm had been Ausra’s agency of record for three years, helping the company generate a spate of national business media. Tigercomm was asked to help cap this run with a strategic communications plan for Ausra’s flagship project, which would come online during negotiations with several potential buyers.

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German renewable energy developer E.ON wanted to launch an innovative maintenance service to shorten wind turbine repair times. Instead of commonly used heavy cranes, the company would offer a lighter, faster “climbing crane” that slid up the turbine, making quicker work of critical repairs. E.ON needed a precision launch for its new service to maximize sales traction at the crucial WINDPOWER conference, targeting companies that included those that E.ON’s development business competed against in building wind farms.

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