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Success Story | Marketing Communications

LG Solar
Retaining a 10%+ Premium Despite the Pandemic


LG made the decision to lean into the crisis, quickly commissioning in-depth research into how homeowners saw solar as an option during the lockdown. We helped it turn those findings into a groundbreaking program to rapidly train and support distributors and installers in effective virtual sales, with LG Solar’s marketing support. We also helped the head of sales use the research to produce several bylines, run in solar industry publications read by distributors and installers, that framed their understanding of consumers’ views and needs during the pandemic.


The start of the pandemic threatened the ability of solar installation companies to engage homeowners who wanted to generate their own clean electricity. Solar panel makers such as LG Solar found themselves reliant on a sales model – in-person, kitchen-table conversations – that was effectively impossible. The company faced a sales cliff it couldn’t afford.


  • Our program helped LG bolster installer confidence while positioning LG as their best partner in difficult times.
  • LG retained at least a 10 percent premium.
  • Marketing budget efficacy increased by 25 percent.


“Companies with the generic objective of increasing earned media impressions hire a PR firm. Cleantech leaders looking to solve a challenge or achieve a big goal hire Tigercomm.”
Brian Lynch Director of Solar + Storage

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