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7th Cleantech Editors & Reporters Roundtable: Our Big Three Points

on • 5 min. read


Mosaic - 1. a picture or pattern produced by arranging together small colored pieces of hard material, such as stone, tile, or glass.

If you listened to our 7th quarterly Cleantech Editors and Reporters Roundtable, you got what I think is one of the best overviews of cleantech available anywhere.

In part that’s because this was the best Roundtable we’d had to date. But it’s also because these convenings assemble journalists at the top of their game who track hundreds of companies in multiple sectors.

When their views come together, you get a confident picture of our professional landscape. You get a mosaic.

#cleantechers, if staying on top of sector developments is important to you professionally, it’s hard for me to identify a better view than what these Roundtables provide. (Yes, I’m partial.)

Thanks to our returning regulars:

And to our new panelists:

There was a lot to cover – continued advancements in clean energy scaling, tariffs, ruthless dictators, global supply chain disruptions, and more progress in the Wild West of storage and transmission. This was a tough Roundtable to boil down to our standard, “B3Ps,” or Big 3 Points.

Here’s our take:

1. What’s standing in the way of major wind and solar deployment? As we’ve seen recently, it’s supply chain shortages and grid fragility that loom large on clean energy’s horizon.

2. In the face of the horrific war on Ukraine, our editors see a variety of potential impacts on the fossil fuel transition. We’ve seen rapid mobilization in the EU to replace Russian oil and gas — but on the other side of the world, the US is bumping up coal use and coddling the gas industry (yet again).

3. Lithium may be winning the battery storage race, but its deployment is hindered by several factors. As long as lithium’s safety concerns persist, people will look for alternatives, such as hydrogen. A hybridization of technologies might be the path to the future.

We’re grateful to our panelists for their time and insights, as well as our audience for this content. So many of you have told us how you value these Roundtables, so we’ll continue to convene them.