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6th Cleantech Editors & Reporters Roundtable: Watch Here

on • 3 min. read

We helped finish 2021 with our 6th Quarterly Cleantech Editors Roundtable. It was another interesting discussion with Heather Clancy of Green Biz, Zachary Shahan of Clean Technica and Tim Sylvia of pv magazine. We missed Darius Snieckus of Recharge, and we hope he feels better. We’re confident he’ll joins us for our Q1 2022 roundtable (details TBD).

Our discussion today covered:

  • How clean economy fared in 2021
  • What to expect in 2022
  • Trajectory of EVs
  • Impact of California’s changes to net metering
  • Potential impact of the Biden Administration on de-carbonizing the U.S.
  • What the U.N. climate talks could mean for the global economy

A big thanks to our panelists and audience for their questions!

You can watch the video below: