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Five Energy Stories Worth Reading Today (10/9/13)

on • 2 min. read

Here are five recommended reads for today (10/9/13).

  1. Common Dreams reports, "An environmental campaign calling on groups to pull their investments from fossil fuel corporations could have a major impact on the industry and carries the potential to spur widespread political and economic stigmatization of big money polluters, a study released this week by Oxford University found."
  2. According to Climate Progress: "The second-biggest carbon dioxide emitter in the state of Massachusetts will retire and no longer provide power as of May 2017. The Brayton Point Power Station near the town of Somerset — the largest of six coal-fired facilities in New England — is owned by Dominion, which filed the retirement paperwork on Monday."
  3. The New York Times reports, "With so much focus on carbon emitted from the nation’s power plants, another environmental challenge related to electricity generation is sometimes overlooked: the enormous amount of water needed to cool the power-producing equipment."
  4. According to the Sierra Club: "Today the Sierra Club and a growing coalition of local, regional and national allies announced the retirement of its 150th coal plant -- a significant milestone in the ongoing campaign to move the country beyond coal no later than 2030. With today’s announcement that the Brayton Point Power Station in Massachusetts would retire by 2017, the campaign officially marked 150 coal plants that have announced plans to retire since 2010."
  5. Desmog Blog asks, "Why Are Coal Industry PR Pros Laughing About Climate Change in Private Talks on Export Terminals?"