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Five Energy Stories Worth Reading Today (10/11/13)

on • 1 min. read

Here are five recommended reads for today (10/11/13).

  1. Gigaom reports: "On Thursday Google announced its 13th investment in a clean energy project over a three year period — the clean energy from all of these projects, like solar and wind farms, is enough to power 500,000 (U.S.) homes and Google has put in over $1 billion into these ventures. This time, the project is a large solar panel farm that’s being built in the Imperial County in California, and Google is investing $103 million into it."
  2. Stephen Lacey of Greentech Media explains why "Energy Efficiency Is One of the Hottest Cleantech Sectors."
  3. Politico reports: "The government shutdown could slow the State Department’s closely watched review of the proposed Keystone XL oil pipeline. The State Department said Thursday that the shutdown is making it more difficult to coordinate with other agencies in its effort to finish a key environmental analysis of the controversial project."
  4. According to The Economist, Europe’s electricity providers face an existential threat, in part due to "renewable sources of energy...becoming more important—Europe as a whole and Germany in particular."
  5. Bloomberg reports, "France’s constitutional court upheld a ban on hydraulic fracturing, ruling that the law against the energy-exploration technique known as fracking is a valid means of protecting the environment."