ScalingClean - a blog for scaling the clean economy by Tigercomm

Five Energy Stories Worth Reading Today (5/4/15)

Written by Lowell F. | 5/4/15 11:16 AM

Here are five recommended reads for today (5/4/15).

  1. According to RenewEconomy, "Tesla battery storage will accelerate exit of coal generators."
  2. At Greentech Media, the "Energy Gang talks with AWEA’s CEO about where America’s wind industry is headed."
  3. The Hill reports, "The American Wind Energy Association released a study Thursday reporting that 100 wind power projects with a generating capacity of 13,600 megawatts are under construction in 23 states during the first quarter of the year."
  4. At the NRDC Switchboard blog, Katharine McCormick argues, "Low-income people and those on fixed-incomes could benefit hugely from the Clean Power Plan, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's proposal to reduce the dangerous carbon pollution from our nation's power plants."
  5. Forest Ethics has a "critical assessment" by several environmental groups of "long-awaited new safety standards for rail tank cars used to haul volatile Bakken and tar sands crude oil."