ScalingClean - a blog for scaling the clean economy by Tigercomm

Five Energy Stories Worth Reading Today (4/13/15)

Written by Lowell F. | 4/13/15 11:26 AM

Here are five recommended reads for today (4/13/15).

  1. The Guardian reports, "China’s coal imports fell by nearly half in the first three months of the year as the slowing economy and tougher rules on pollution took their toll."
  2. According to RenewEconomy, in Austrlia, "The Golden Age of gas – which would usher in the transition from high polluting fossil fuels to clean renewables – is over. Probably before it even started."
  3. The Denver Post reports, "Colorado's big coal-burning utilities take a turn to renewable energy."
  4. According to The Economist, "even if the tax credit is cut, as expected, solar electricity could displace 9.7% of American retail electricity sales by 2019, reckons Bernstein, a research firm—over 30 times the share today."
  5. NPR reports on "How Solar Power Has Gotten So Cheap, So Fast."