ScalingClean - a blog for scaling the clean economy by Tigercomm

Five Energy Stories Worth Reading Today (5/12/15)

Written by Lowell F. | 5/12/15 11:44 AM

Here are five recommended reads for today (5/12/15).

  1. The Guardian reports, "The US government has given Shell approval to restart drilling in the Arctic despite repeated warnings from environmentalists that it could lead to an ecological disaster. "
  2. According to Midwest Energy News, "As the oil and gas industry pushes for new laws exempting information about pipeline infrastructure from being released to the public in the name of national security, advocates say doing so could actually increase the risk for everyone."
  3. SeeNews Renewables reports, "German energy group RWE AG (ETR:RWE) on Monday inaugurated the 295-MW Nordsee Ost offshore wind farm, in German waters, and said it will commission the 576-MW Gwynt y Mor farm, off Wales, next month."
  4. Media Matters explains that several state attorneys general "have formed what a New York Times investigation described as an 'unprecedented, secretive alliance' with the fossil fuel industry against the Obama administration's environmental policies."
  5. Climate Progress reports, "A seemingly low-profile proposal from a little-known natural resources agency in the Department of the Interior (DOI) has attracted a record-breaking 210,000 public comments from taxpayers, who argue that they are not receiving a fair share of revenues from the mining of coal on U.S. public lands."