ScalingClean - a blog for scaling the clean economy by Tigercomm

Five Energy Stories Worth Reading Today (12/2/13)

Written by Lowell F. | 12/2/13 12:56 PM

Here are five recommended reads for today (12/2/13).

  1. Bloomberg reports, "European Union countries approved an agreement with China to curb imports of Chinese solar panels, ending the EU’s biggest commercial dispute of its kind."
  2. According to the New York Times, "As Oil Floods Plains Towns, Crime Pours In."
  3. Reuters reports, "In a first on Monday, an online marketplace will allow U.S. homeowners to weigh options for going solar as easily as they can compare prices for airline tickets."
  4. According to Bloomberg: "The U.K. will soon see 'major investments' in offshore wind projects, Energy and Climate Change Secretary Ed Davey said, signaling the country’s push to expand low-carbon power isn’t derailing."
  5. The Hill reports: "Billionaire Tom Steyer plans to renew his fight against Keystone XL in Washington on Monday. NextGen Climate Action, founded by Steyer, will host a summit where participants will argue the Keystone XL pipeline proposed by TransCanada Corp. cannot pass President Obama's climate test"